You can connect two commands together so that the output from one program becomes the input of the next program. Two or more commands connected in this way form a pipe. to use the vertical pipe use SHIFT \ button, its right above ENTER.

    The “|” command allows you to run or connect two commands together.

    Pipe is command “|” that takes output from one program and put it in input of the next program.
    For example
    #cat test.txt | grep a
    This line consists in two parts (before pipe and after).
    The first part in this line (before pipe (“|”)) outputs content of the file test.txt. The pipe takes first part output (content of file test.txt) for the second part. The second part (after pipe (“|”)) takes that content and searches “a” character
    The result will be content of the file test.txt with “a” characters in different color with other text.

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