Introduction of VBScript
- VBScript is a language or not? Why is it use.
- Write a Program print “Hello World!”? Steps to execute on QTP editor.
- How to define variable in VBScript? Differentiate between Variable and Constants?
- List five predefined constants and their use?
- What is Variant in VBScript? Define Sub-data type.
Operator and Control Statements
- What is Operator? Define different type of operator with example.
- What are different concatenation operator available in VBScript? Give example with different data type.
- Define conditional statement? Describe Select case statement with example.
- What are the different type of IF statement in VBScript? Define each with their flow.
- What’s different between FOR...NEXT and FOR EACH...NEXT? Describe briefly.
- Differentiate between DO...LOOP and DO...UNTIL? What’s advantage of DO...UNTIL.
- Why & How we use EXIT FOR and EXIT DO with different looping statements?
Procedures in VBScript
- What is Procedures? Difference between Function and Sub Procedure.
- Define return type of Function procedure? What are the different type of arguments pass in a Procedure.
- List advantage of ByRef type arguments?
Object-oriented in VBScript
- Script languages are not following OOP’s concept? Why.
- What is class in VBScript? How we define classes.
- What’s advantage of VBScript classes?
Write Program in VBScript for QTP editor
- Write a program for print a text message?
- W.A.P. for perform various arithmetic operation on two operands?
- W.A.P. to find area of a circle? Use pi=3.14 as a constant.
- W.A.P. to concatenate two string using + ?
- W.A.P. to concatenate two string using & ?
- W.A.P. to check two No. are equal?
- W.A.P. to find greatest No. among three No.?
- W.A.P. using SELECT statement for perform various arithmetic operations?
- W.A.P. to read and display five No. using Array variable?
- W.A.P. to display all No. between 1 to 20 using FOR...NEXT?
- W.A.P. to display all the even No. between 1 to 20 using WHILE...WEND?
- W.A.P. to display all the odd No. between 1 to 20 using DO...LOOP?
- W.A.P. to display all No. between 1 to 20 using DO...UNTIL?
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