OS interacts with hardware including processor, hard disk, DVD drive, sound & multimedia.
    OS creates an environment with various layers to handle hardware, programs, data & user’s actions.
    OS creates a “User Interface’ so human can interact with this system.

    OS allows software to be run on the hardware. OS creates interface between human and hardware.

    OS manages all software and hardware installed or connected to the computer. Many programs run on a computer at the same time and OS provides a platform to access the CPU.

    Operating system manages all hardware and software on your computer. As you operate your computer you open many applications, operating system coordinates all applications for you to make sure each application gets what it needs.

    It manages the hardware and software resources of computer

    operating system controls the hardware and how nad what software is ran on your computer

    (OS) manages computer hardware, software resources and provides common services for computer programs.

    operating system manages processes, memory, file system, input/output etc.It also interacts with hardware via device drivers.

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