Java Program Assignmentcan't see properly

      1. Write a code which prints in console “Welcome to the Java class!”.
      2. Write a java code to show  the subtraction of two integer variables which are equals 15 and 10.
      3. Write a program that performs all operations like multiplication, addition, subtraction and division on two integers 5 and 10.
      4. Write a program that equates the following conditions, using nested if statement:
        10 is greater than 5
        1 is lesser than 5
        10 can equal to 10, if it is greater than 5
      5. Write a program that prompts user to enter a number and print whether the number is less than 10 or not.
      6. Write a program that prints the month’s name on the basis of an integer variable, passed in a switch case condition and if the integer value is not less than or equal to 12, then a default case should execute.
      7. Write a program to print the following square pattern
      8. Write a program to print all numbers divisible by 3 upto 20 using while loop
      9. Write a program that prompts user to enter a number and print whether the number is less than 10 or not
      10. Write a program which performs the following:
        Create a class AnimalInheritance which has eat() which prints "eating...".
        Create a class Snake that extends AnimalInheritance which has its own method Hiss() which prints "Hiss...".
        Create a Snake object and call methods eat() and Hiss() inside main()
      11. 7 Write a java program to show how to store and print the following String literals
        “Java”, “is platform” ,“ ” , “independent” .
      12. Write a program to create a variable which can store statistical data of 25 days in a continuous order.(Assume that the data is of double type).
      13. Write a program to count number of even integers in an array of type integers
      14. Write a program to create a list of Integer type, whose size is unknown
      15. Write a program to create and initialize the arraylist of type Integer and traverse it using Iterator Interface.



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