- Test Gmail Login Logout functionality in IDE.
- Test Gmail login functionality with incorrect username and the correct password.
- Create test case to print get facebook pagesource.
- Test switching between different windows.
- Create test case for web FRS application and book one flight.
- How do you check the title of a window, Create a test case using it?
- Test Gmail Login Logout functionality using junit.
- Test Gmail login functionality with incorrect username and incorrect password using junit.
- Test switching between different windows using junit.
- Create a test case for web FRS application , book one flight and test using junit.
- How do you check the title of facebook, Create a test case using junit?
- Test promt and alert commands in IDE.
- Test Facebook Login Logout functionality using testNg.
- Test facebook login functionality with the correct username and correct password using testNg.
- Test switching between different windows using testNg.
- Create a test case for newtours flight reservation , book one flight, and test using testng.
- Create a listener to show the test report.
- How do you check the title of any website, Create a test case using testNg?