Backup To Tape Drivecan't see properly

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[t_block id="6116745147" ]#!/bin/bash
echo "Trying to backup ${BAK} directory to tape device ${TAPE} .."

# See if $BAK exits or not else die
# Set unsuccessful shell script termination with exit status # 1
[ ! -d $BAK ] && { echo "Source backup directory $BAK not found."; exit 1; }

# See if $TAPE device exits or not else die
# Set unsuccessful shell script termination with exit status # 2
[ ! -b $TAPE ] && { echo "Backup tape drive $TAPE not found or configured."; exit 2; }

# Okay back it up
tar cvf $TAPE $BAK 2> /tmp/error.log

if [ $? -ne 0 ]
# die with unsuccessful shell script termination exit status # 3
echo "An error occurred while making a tape backup, see /tmp/error.log file".
exit 3

# Terminate our shell script with success message i.e. backup done!
exit 0[/t_block]

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